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Health Services

Be prepared to support your health over the summer​


It is Teach For America's institute program policy that all corps members who are ill (or appear to be ill) will be required by institute staff to see a nurse or doctor and obtain a note stating they are not contagious in order to resume teaching. This may include situations in which institute staff feels that a corps member may have contracted a contagious illness such as a fever, strep throat, pink eye, etc.; we require that you visit a doctor and obtain a note so that we can be certain you will not pass any illnesses along to your students or fellow corps members.  Please note that the institute can be a stressful environment and may aggravate stress-related health issues (i.e., high blood pressure). 


You are responsible for all medical costs, including transportation costs that may arise from medical visits. Accordingly, having health insurance coverage may alleviate costs for necessary medical appointments. Please note that access to healthcare is unavailable at our host universities during institute. If you anticipate needing medical treatment during your institute, we strongly recommend locating a doctor or medical facility in your institute city prior to your arrival (consult your current health care provider for assistance). Please do not contact Teach For America for medical referrals. 


If you do not have health care coverage, you may wish to look into your options under the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Although we would encourage you to review the information on your own, in general, there is a guaranteed availability of coverage, and health insurance issuers generally would be prohibited from denying coverage to people because of a pre-existing condition or any other factor. Individuals would need to buy coverage during open enrollment periods or cite a qualifying life event (examples: moving to a new state, change in family size, etc.). You can visit for more information on enrolling for insurance under ACA. Check out the official IRS website on exemptions and the individual mandate for additional details. 


If you are not required to have insurance in accordance with the ACA, we would still strongly recommend obtaining temporary coverage with a provider during your institute. We have compiled a list of health insurance companies that offer basic coverage to students and recent college graduates. This list is by no means exhaustive and there are other options that may be better suited to your needs. As with any insurance policy, be sure to carefully review your coverage and responsibilities. 


Please note, this is not an exhaustive list and Teach For America is in no way affiliated with these providers. We encourage you to do your own research and find the option that best fits your needs. 

HCC Medical Insurance Services Phone Number: (866) 605-2282 

United Healthcare Phone Number: (800) 273-8115 

IHC Health Solutions Phone Number: (888) 839-7679 


If you are currently covered under a parent/guardian/current employer’s health insurance plan, but expect that coverage to expire before or during your institute, you may be eligible to sign up for COBRA. Please note certain conditions may apply; please contact your health insurance provider to determine if COBRA benefits are right for you. 


We understand that health insurance can be expensive and, therefore, is one of the expenses that can be covered by Transitional Funding Award. You can visit the Financing Your Transition page and e-mail if you have any questions about transitional grants and loans.


Check out our 2017 CM Health Insurance Information Document

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